St John's


We are part of the Canterbury and East Kent Circuit
of the Methodist Church
The Circuit is part of the South-East District
of the Methodist Church.

A message from our Minister:Welcome to the web-site of St John’s Methodist Church, Whitstable.
You can find St John’s in the heart of Whitstable; a beautiful place, the seascape, the wonderful walks and the vibrant arts community attract thousands of visitors every year.
We offer a warm welcome to all who join us for Sunday worship, and to the many others who use our premises for community activities throughout the week. Please explore our website to discover more about the activities and groups that meet here.
Our regular Morning worship is on Sunday mornings at 10.30am. On the first Sunday of the month we usually celebrate Holy Communion.
St John’s is a member of Churches Together in Whitstable and we take an active part in ecumenical activities throughout the year. These include the Beach Pastors scheme which is based at our church.
At the heart of our Methodist Christian heritage is our belief that the love of God extends to all people everywhere. God draws each one of us into relationship with him, to life in all its’ fullness. We believe that we are called to share this good news in our words and in our actions, in the way that we treat other people, and in the way we live.
We very much look forward to welcoming you to St John’s.
Rev Rosemary Bending.